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Behind Tomorrow

Directed, Produced & Written Tyler Carney-Faleatua, Joshua Faleatua
Featuring Taniora Motutere, Georgia Beechey, Samara Te Aniwa Reweti, Kiki Miwa, Ooshcon, Tom Scott
Composition Andrew Faleatua
DoP, Gaffer & Editor Joshua Faleatua
Camera Operators Joshua Faleatua, Tyler Carney-Faleatua, Elvin Wong
Production Sound Mixer David DeNoize Green
Costume and Set Design Tyler Carney-Faleatua
On Set Photography Elijah Kennar, Jinki Cambronero
Supported by Creative New Zealand
Special Thanks The Dance Studio, The Space on TAP, Build With Titus

Behind Tomorrow is a dance film that plays with the construct of time and control through a confined space in the representation of a room. We see six characters trying to understand this room. Some are searching for a sense of home, some have duties they need to fulfill, while others are trying to leave. The lingering feeling that they aren’t in control of the room and that it has other intentions for them changes the course of their journey. 

The idea of measuring a lifetime is often confined to a second, a minute, an hour, a day, a month, a year. This film questions the importance of measuring a moment in time. With the room allowing things to happen when it is ready, we follow the journey of how some of the characters accept that not everything needs to be completely understood while how others continue to go against the grain.

Behind Tomorrow focuses on these ideas through the lens of dance, celebrating movement, cinematography and music.


A scene from Behind Tomorrow

“We always want to put things back together”

There’s too much time in here.
I can’t have a moment in a second.
It’s not enough time.

I see whats happened.
Its all happened.
Happens sometimes.
When nothing happens.

Thats the thing about light, its always moving.
It’s moving faster than anything.
Thats the thing about life, its always moving.

On Set Photography by
Tyler Carney-Faleatua, Elijah Kennar and Jinki Cambronero
